
Talk With A Hearing Professional Now!

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Thursday , February , 13 2025
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Our Services

  • Comprehensive Hearing Aid Evaluations for Children and Adults
    Your audiologist will determine which type of hearing aid is best for you and your unique needs, including the style, circuit, and number of hearing aids necessary. This choice should reflect your needs, preferences, and budget, including your lifestyle and activity level, medical conditions, physical characteristics and limitations, cosmetic and style preferences, and financial expectations.
  • Otoacoustic Emissions
    A small probe is placed in the ear canal, and a series of tones are presented to the ear. The probe records the response from the hair cells of the inner ear to give an indication as to their cell function.
  • Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs)
    We offer information and guidance on use of assistive listening devices, such as amplified telephones, FM transmitter systems, and infrared systems. These systems serve as additional help in situations when hearing aids do not provide the necessary assistance. We will either order the device in which you are interested, or give you the information to order on your own.
  • Hearing Aid Fittings
    A hearing aid is custom designed and tailored for each individual hearing loss, for each ear shape and size, and for every function and life style. Hearing aid technology and the small size of hearing aids that are cosmetically appealing are helping to redefine people’s perceptions of what it means to wear a hearing aid, and their idea of what it means to hear and communicate better.
  • Educational and Recreational Audiology
  • Industrial Hearing Screenings
  • Hearing Aid Service/Repair (Oticon, Phonak, Siemens, Resound, Starkey, Widex, Sonic Innovations, Rexton)
  • Hearing Aid Cleaning 
  • Tinnitus Treatment
  • Custom Ear Plugs (Noise, Swim & Musician)
  • Free Loaners for hearing aids that are sent for repairs
  • Hearing Aid Maintenance and Routine Service Maintenance 
  • Hearing Aid Battery Sale