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Saturday , February , 22 2025
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What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is the sensation of hearing sound that is inaudible to others and often accompanies hearing impairment. The primary symptom of tinnitus is ringing, noise, or buzzing in the ears. Tinnitus is not a disease, but a symptom resulting from a range of underlying causes. It can be compared with phantom limb syndrome, which occurs when the brain makes the person feel pain in a limb that is no longer there. 

Your Brain has a drive to overcompensate

When you suffer from tinnitus, you perceive certain sounds that are generated by the nervous system of the ear and brain. The sounds are often characterized as hissing, ringing, buzzing, humming or the like.

The brain has a drive to overcompensate for what it is not getting from the ears because of hearing loss, often caused by hair cell damage. This can result in the perception of tinnitus.

Tinnitus is often accompanied by a series of common difficulties such as sleeping problems, irritation, difficulty relaxing, problems focusing on speech and concentration difficulties.

Tinnitus is often accompanied by Hearing Loss

Hearing loss may also be an associated condition of tinnitus. In 90 percent of the members in the American Tinnitus Association who are affected by tinnitus, hearing loss was also reported.* American Tinnitus Association

Get Professional Help Today

Counseling with an experienced hearing healthcare professional trained in managing tinnitus improves your chances of success in regaining your quality of life

A new and unique approach to tinnitus management is WIDEX ZEN THERAPY, a method that combines counseling and stress reduction with sound stimulation and amplification.

For more information about TINNITUS and Widex Zen Therapy, contact Hearing & Balance Associates at 850-298-8407 or visit